
Things Your Cat Wants to Know Right Meow

There’s a pretty important kitty holiday coming up. January 22nd is Answer Your Cat’s Questions Day! Kitties are known for being curious, if not downright nosy. If Fluffy could voice her questions, what do you think she’d want to know about? A local Frisco, TX veterinarian lists a few possible options below.

Where Does My Sunbeam Go?

Do you often find your feline buddy sprawled out in a warm, sunny area? Cats love finding warm napping spots, so it’s not really a surprise that so many of them love sunbathing. Fluffy may be very curious as to why her purrsonal sunbeam isn’t available 24/7.

What Happened To My Toys?

It’s very good for Fluffy to be able to indulge her inner lioness. That means buying her lots of fun toys … most of which she’ll immediately push under the couch.

Why Did You Move Me?

Cats aren’t shy about getting comfortable on, well, just about anything. At some point this year, you’ll move your furball mid-nap, and get an indignant meow of kitty protest.

Why Do I Have To See The Vet?

Our feline friends are always much healthier–and therefore happier–with proper veterinary care. However, they don’t really understand why they occasionally have to suffer the indignity of nap interruptions, car rides, and exams.

Why Can’t I Play With That?

Sooner or later, your furball will want to play with something that just isn’t safe, such as a piece of thread or a plastic wrapper. You’ll get a cute look of kitty reproach when you take Fluffy’s plaything away.

Why Are You Ignoring Me?

Kitties have some adorable—if slightly rude—ways of demanding we pay attention to them. Fluffy may sprawl out on your computer or a book you’re reading. She may smack something off the table, or catch your sleeve with her paw. Indulge your furry friend’s requests for cuddles and playtime! The bond we share with our animal companions is truly remarkable.

Why Are You Laughing At Me?

One of the best things about our feline pals is the fact that the more serious they get, the funnier they can be to watch, especially when they’re ‘hunting’ or ‘stalking’ their toys. (Sorry, Fluffy: we just can’t help it sometimes.)

As your local Frisco, TX veterinary clinic, we’re dedicated to offering great veterinary care. Please feel free to contact us anytime!  

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