
Summer Senior Cat Care

Is your feline buddy aged ten or older? If so, Fluffy is technically a furry, meowing senior … even if she still acts like a kitten. You’ll need to pay some extra attention to your cute pet over the next few months. That sweltering summer heat can be rough on cats, and is particularly dangerous for older ones. A local Plano, TX vet goes over some summer senior cat care tips in this article.


Keeping Fluffy properly hydrated is crucial, as it’s really the best thing you can do to keep her safe in the heat. You may need to set out extra water stations, especially if you have more than one cat and/or a large house. Many cats prefer drinking running water, so you might also want to get your furball a pet fountain. Automated water stations are a good bet as well, especially if you leave your kitty home alone during the day.


Our feline pals are usually pretty diligent about keeping up with their purrsonal beauty care routines. However, older cats sometimes have a hard time with this. Just like people, kitties sometimes get stiff and sore as they age, which makes all that bending and stretching hard for them to keep up with. Pamper your furry little diva by brushing her regularly. This will help keep Fluffy cool and comfy, as dead hair, dust, and dander can make her pretty coat hot and itchy.

Cool Beds

By the time your furball reaches her senior years, she’ll be a bona-fide expert at getting comfortable. You can help Fluffy out here, too. Keep clean towels in the freezer, and put them on your cat’s bed. You can also get a large freezer gel pad, and put that in your feline friend’s bed, under a towel. Hammock beds are another good choice, as the air moving beneath them keeps them cool.

Keep Kitty In

We always recommend keeping cats inside. This goes double for seniors. They may not be fast or agile enough to escape danger, and are very susceptible to heat. Plus, Fluffy could forget where she is, and not be able to find her way home. Keep your feline senior indoors, in rooms with climate control. 

Please contact us with any questions or concerns about your cat’s health or care. As your Plano, TX animal clinic, we’re here to help!

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