
Reasons To Spay Or Neuter Your Pet 

Pets are all individuals, just as people. Fido and Fluffy have their own unique care needs, much of which will depend on their age, size, breed, and health. However, while our advice on things like diet and exercise may vary, one thing we recommend for all dogs and cats is spay/neuter surgery. A Plano, TX veterinarian goes over some of the reasons why in this article.

Fixing Your Pet Helps Combat Pet Overpopulation

The biggest reason to get pets fixed is to reduce the number of unwanted litters in the world. Pet overpopulation is a huge issue and one that, unfortunately, is often a factor in cases of neglect, abuse, and animal hoarding. Every year, millions of dogs and cats are euthanized. Millions more must fend for themselves. Homeless dogs and cats lead very hard lives and must cope with hunger, weather, and parasites, as well as illness and injury.

We know that puppies and kittens are adorable. However, even if you do find homes for your pet’s offspring, there are really no ways to ensure that their own litters, and any future descendants, will do so well. With so many homeless pets already out there fending for themselves, it’s just the more responsible thing to do.

Don’t assume that your pet won’t make much of a difference. A single pair of kitties can have 2, 072, 514 descendants in just nine years! Fido isn’t far behind: a pair of pups can have as many as 67,000 descendants in just six years, with the average litter size being about six to ten puppies.

Pets That Have Been Fixed Are Healthier

There are also medical benefits to spaying and neutering. The procedure will virtually eliminate the risk of genital cancers, and will drastically reduce the likelihood of your pet developing several other types of cancer, such as prostate, breast, ovarian, and uterine cancer. Pets that are fixed are also less likely to have urinary tract infections. It’s much easier—not to mention cheaper—to prevent these issues than it is to treat them. Ask your Plano, TX vet for more specific information on this.

Pets Are Less Likely to Roam After Being Fixed

The risk of your pet getting lost, injured, or even killed goes up exponentially if your pet is allowed to wander off your property. Dogs and cats are vulnerable to a whole slew of threats, including cars, weather, wild animals, chemicals, parasites, diseases… the list goes on. Once your pet is fixed, they’ll lose that hormonal urge to go looking for love. You won’t have to deal with your cat trying to run out every time you open the door, or Fido trying to dig out from under the fence. While pets do try to escape for other reasons, the urge to mate is one of the strongest driving forces behind this behavior.

Pets That Have Been Fixed Have A Longer Life Expectancy

Did you know that pets who have been fixed tend to live longer? This makes sense if you think about it. For females, the inherent risks that come with pregnancy and delivery are eliminated. Those risks can be particularly severe in dogs: when a dog impregnates a much smaller pooch, the female’s life and the lives of the puppies could be at risk.

And, because pets that have been fixed are less likely to run off, they are also less likely to get injured or hurt. An intact male dog or cat may very well get into a fight with another loose male.

Pets Are Calmer After Being Fixed

Another reason—and this is a big one—to get your pet fixed is because they will be naturally calmer after. You may be surprised at what a difference the reduction in hormonal urges will do. You may see a reduction in unwanted behaviors, such as digging, chewing, and trying to escape. Plus, most fixed pets are just more mellow overall. Don’t be surprised if Fido and Fluffy become a bit cuddlier, either. Without that drive to find a mate, they’ll be more focused on you. After all, you are the center of their world.

Pets That Have Been Fixed Are Less Likely To Spray

This may very well be reason enough in and of itself to get the surgery scheduled. Pets often spray to mark their territory. The urge to do this is lessened, and often removed, after surgery. While sometimes adult animals will still spray after the surgery, most pets do cease this behavior. 

Cats Won’t Yowl As Much After Being Fixed

This one may be a bonus, but we really can’t understate its importance. If you’ve ever heard an amorous kitty singing a love song, well, you have our sympathies. Fluffy likes to announce her single status loudly and in no way that remotely resembles actual music. While other cats may for some reason find the sounds appealing, most of us are grateful to have our ears spared from the yowling and caterwauling.

Faqs About Spay/Neuter Surgery

How Long Will My Pet Take To Recover From Spay/Neuter Surgery? 

Generally, pets are over the ‘hump’ of recovery within the first 3-5 days. However, it takes between ten and 14 days for them to be fully healed. During this time, you’ll want to limit your pet’s physical activity. Don’t encourage them to run, jump, or play vigorously until your Plano, TX vet has given you the all-clear. 

How Do I Take Care Of My Pet After Surgery?

Your animal clinic will provide you with aftercare instructions. These are often a one-sheet printout or pamphlet. Read the directions carefully, and follow all instructions to a T. You may need to give your pet pain medication, and may also need to adjust their diet a bit as they recuperate. 

Aside from that, just be sure to give your furry friend a clean, comfy place to relax in. This is a great time to get a new bed! You may also need to confine their movements. You can use a crate, carrier, or kennel for this. A puppy pen may also work. 

How Do I Help My Pet Heal After Spay/Neuter Surgery? 

The biggest thing is to just keep an eye on your pet, and let them relax. You will need to make sure they don’t tear at their stitches. Your Plano, TX vet may recommend using an Elizabethan collar—also known as the Lampshade or Cone Of Shame—or perhaps an inflatable collar. 

Be sure to watch the incision site carefully! Look for any signs of complications, such as redness, swelling, foul odors, heat, bleeding, or pus. Other warning signs include vomiting, diarrhea, fever, trembling, and respiratory issues. Lethargy is another red flag. Your pet may naturally be a bit sleepy and tired. They may also be groggy when you bring them home, but after that initial day, they shouldn’t be completely out of it. Contact your clinic immediately if you notice anything wrong. 

How Much Does Spay/Neuter Surgery Cost? 

Prices will vary from place to place. The rates may also be adjusted to account for your pet’s age, size, or health. However, it is always cheaper to get this procedure done than to pay for health issues or the costs associated with raising a litter. 

Do you need to schedule spay/neuter surgery for your pet? Contact us, Coit Hedgcoxe Animal Hospital in Plano, TX, today! 

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