
Celebrate Pet Chip Month

It’s Chip Your Pet Month! People may differ slightly in the specifics of their pet care routines. However, this is one thing that all and any pets will benefit from. If your pet becomes lost, having a microchip ‘installed’ can significantly improve your chances of getting back together. In fact, these tiny devices could potentially save your furry bestie’s life one day! Continue reading for tips on microchipping your pet from a Plano, TX veterinarian.

Will the Microchipping Process Hurt?

No. This is a really easy and quick process. Your pet’s vet will insert the chip beneath their skin using a hypodermic needle. In dogs and cats, it is usually positioned slightly under the skin, in between the shoulder blades. Basically, getting chipped is not much different for Fido and Fluffy than receiving a shot. You will not have to worry about recovery time. (Of course, your pet might appreciate a new toy or an additional treat.)

This is frequently done in addition to spay/neuter operations in younger pets. This makes sense since the animal is already at the clinic and sedated. You may schedule it on its own, though. For additional information, consult your veterinarian.

How Long Will The Microchip Last?

Microchips endure roughly 25 years on average. That is far more than a dog or cat’s typical lifespan. 

Are Pet Microchips Scannable by Phone?

No, they are unable to. This is also unlikely to change because phone technology is incompatible with chip technology. That said, you never know what technology will come out next! 

What If A Microchipped Dog Is Stolen?

Microchips are among the most reliable ways to establish ownership and hold up in court. Furthermore, they are more difficult to cut off than collars. While it may not prevent your pet from being stolen, it can make a huge difference if you ever end up fighting in court to get your furry pal back.

Does My Pet’s Microchip Need To Be Maintained In Any Way?

No. Microchips are generally idle most of the time and don’t require upkeep or modifications. That said, you might want to have your pet’s chip checked by a veterinarian at regular check-ups to make sure it remains in place and is functional.

Keeping up-to-date information on your pet is also important. Ask your vet for more information. 

Is There A Subscription Fee I Have To Pay After My Pet Is Chipped?

Certain companies do provide packages with additional costs. On the other hand, a lot of places Report Word also provide a one-time, lifetime fee. For more details, ask your veterinarian.

What Comes Next After My Pet Is Microchipped?

You must complete the chipmaker’s register. This is very important! The chip is useless if your contact information is out-of-date or absent.

Keep this in mind in case you relocate or change your contact details.

Why Is It Important to Microchip My Pet?

Microchips are like a lifeline between you and your best friend. Although many people find it unpleasant to consider their cherished dogs going missing, the reality is that this occurs considerably more frequently than you may imagine. Over one-third of pets experience at least one episode of getting lost during their lifespan.

Remember that scared animals might flee quickly. Also, mishaps are incredibly common, like a worker leaving a gate open.

 What Are The Pet Microchip Statistics?

The data on this is pretty sad. Ohio State University’s most recent study provided some clarification on this subject.

Of the microchipped stray dogs and cats, 73% of their owners were located (74% for dogs and 63.5% for cats). Of the owners, 74% genuinely desired the return of their pets (61% for cats and 76% for dogs). For dogs with microchips, the median return to owner rates for the shelters was 2.4 times higher than for all stray dogs (52.2% vs. 21.9%), and for cats, the median return to owner rates was 21.4 times higher (38.5% vs. 1.8%).

  • When microchips did not result in reunification, there were a few key reasons.
  • Inaccurate or disconnected phone numbers (35.4%),
  • Owners neglect to answer calls or letters (24.3%),
  • Unregistered microchips (9.8%) and
  • Microchips registered in a database that was different from the manufacturer’s database (17.2%)

What Other Advantages Do Microchips Offer?

Despite not being GPS compatible, certain goods can be connected to Fluffy and Fido’s microchip. One example would be pet doors. With a gated yard, you can let your pet come and go as they choose without worrying about coming home to discover a raccoon in your living room. There are also dishes that will only open for a certain chip. This can be useful if you have several pets and one or more of them require a particular diet.

Which Other Animals Have Microchips?

Although quite a few other animals can also get chips, dogs and cats are the ones who typically get them. Rabbits, birds, horses, cattle, ferrets, tortoises, and reptiles are also on that list.

Are ID tags still necessary?

Absolutely. These are mandated by legislation in many places. They are important even if you reside in a place where they aren’t required. This would be the most convenient option if someone wanted to contact you about your furry friend. (Note: To encourage individuals to return the chips, we advise adding the word REWARD to them.)

How Do Microchips for Pets Work?

In a way, microchips are like permanent ID tags, but they are put inside your pet.

Microchips use passive radio-frequency identification, or RFID, technology. Until a scanner passes over it, the microchip, sometimes referred to as a transponder or a PIT (passive transponder tag), remains inert. The chip is activated by low-frequency radio waves that these scanners emit. After that, the chip sends that unique ID number, which appears on the device’s screen.

Can I Use A Microchip To Track My Pet?

 No. GPS technology is not present in microchips. The power source is what’s getting in the way here. This is unlikely to change until scientists discover a way to run a microchip off of Fluffy’s purrs and Fido’s tail wags.

However, you can get pet GPS tags, which is a fantastic new invention. However, you should review the available options before purchasing one. This is where different firms and goods diverge greatly. A few things to consideras you are looking products over  include subscription costs, waterproofing capability, technology utilized, battery life, and range. For instance, although some of these gadgets use wi-fi, others are powered by satellite. Ask your Plano, TX vet for more information. 

Conclusion: While microchips are very small, they are a vital safety net for your pet, providing a permanent and invisible link between you. If your dog or cat hasn’t been chipped yet, contact your vet to schedule an appointment right away.

Make An Appointment At Your Plano, TX Animal Hospital

Does your pet require a scheduled appointment? When was the last time your pet visited the veterinarian? Please get in touch with us right now. As your Plano, TX veterinarian, we are dedicated to providing both top-notch veterinary care and excellent customer service.

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