
Top Tips to Keep Your Senior Dog Healthy

Is your canine companion in his golden years? This is an extremely special time in Fido’s life. While puppies are great, senior dogs are also special and adorable. As your furry best buddy grows older, you may notice that he becomes more affectionate. Older dogs are usually very quiet and loving. They only want love, belly rubs, and, of course, goodies. Some of Fido’s care regimens, such as his nutrition and fitness routines, will need to change as he grows older. A local Plano, TX veterinarian offers some advice on this topic below.

Make Sure Fido Gets Proper Exercise

Just like humans, canines slow down as they age. Fido may be more inclined to catching Z’s than squirrels at this point in his life. While it’s heartwarming to observe an elderly dog happily sleeping in his doggy bed, don’t let your pet become a couch potato. It is vital for your canine companion to be active! Regular exercise will help your puppy’s bones and muscles stay strong. It can also help with obesity, which is especially prevalent in aged pets.

Most dogs benefit from daily walks. You could find that shorter, more frequent walks are the most effective. Swimming can be a great pastime for certain dogs, if it’s warm enough and the dog enjoys it. Ask your Plano, TX veterinarian for specific advice.

Don’t Forget Playtime! It’s Still Fun And Important

Playing can still be pleasurable and beneficial to an older dog. You may need to shift your focus from burning off extra energy to tasks that test Fido’s intelligence. Some of the things you can try include Hide and Seek, Scavenger Hunts, Three cups, Puzzle Toys, and Snuffle Mats.

Fido may still enjoy playing games such as fetch. Just be careful not to overexert him! Our canine companions are so devoted that they will go to extreme lengths to please their owners, and can drive themselves to exhaustion.

Consider Getting Fido A Dog Massage

Many dogs like a good rubdown! Massages can be quite effective for relieving stiff muscles. This is a great way to pamper your canine buddy a bit! Contact your veterinarian for further information.

Offer Your Pooch Simple Comforts

Small modifications can have a significant impact in this situation. Make sure your dog has a comfortable bed. We usually choose orthopedic beds for older dogs because of the additional support they offer. You may want to purchase a few different beds. That way, Fido will have a nice spot to sleep at your feet, no matter which room you’re in.

Pet ramps or steps can also be extremely beneficial, especially if your pet has difficulties climbing stairs or getting into and out of the car.

Take Good Care of Fido’s Paws

Nail trims may not sound like a huge deal, but they are more important than many people realize. If Fido’s claws grow too long, they will change the angle of his toes with the ground. This could hamper his movement and stride, raising the risk of a dangerous slip and fall. Furthermore, this may exacerbate or worsen arthritis.

Give Fido A Healthy Diet

Your veterinarian will be able to advise you on when it is acceptable to transition to senior food. This will need to be done gradually, over the course of several days.

You may also need to give Fido smaller portions. Most dogs need less calories as they age. That is only to be expected. Fido will be less active than before, which means he will use less fuel. However, some dogs may require more calories. If your pet’s coat is thin, he may need extra food to stay warm. For further information, please contact your Plano, TX.

Visit Your Plano, TX Veterinary Clinic Regularly

As your dog ages, he may require more frequent visits to our clinic. While it is always important to keep an eye out for signs of sickness, this is especially true with elderly dogs.

Here are some things to watch out for:

  • Behavior Changes
  • Anxiety
  • Bad Breath
  • Stiffness
  • Appetite Shifts
  • Diarrhea
  • Breathing Issues
  • Urinary Difficulties
  • Disorientation
  • Lethargy
  • Weight Loss Or Gain
  • Inconsistent Sleep
  • Lameness
  • Vomiting
  • Abdominal Swelling
  • Trouble Climbing Or Descending Stairs
  • Difficulty Getting In And Out Of Cars
  • Restlessness
  • Vision Loss 
  • Irritability
  • Itching
  • Skin/Fur Issues
  • Weight Gain 
  • Accidents

If you notice any of these, call your veterinarian immediately.

Protect Your Dog From Extreme Temperatures

Older dogs are more susceptible to heat and cold than younger ones. If Fido’s fur is thin, he may need a jacket when it is cold. You should also ensure that your pet’s bed is not in a drafty spot in the winter or in direct sunshine in the summer. Provide an abundance of fresh, clean water. In the heat, you might want to have some additional dishes out. Of course, cold is more of an issue here than heat. Provide warm, comfortable napping spots for your pooch this winter.

Give Fido’s Dinnerware A Pupgrade

Your veterinarian may recommend that you give your elderly dog elevated dinnerware. Many elderly dogs prefer this since it eliminates the need to splay their legs or strain their necks while eating. Some of our canine pals, especially large dogs and those who ‘wolf’ down their food, may be at risk of bloating, which can be quite dangerous. Ask for specific advice on this.

Do Not Forget Grooming

Fido will probably dread bathing as much as he did as a puppy. However, grooming is more than just making the dog look and smell good. It also significantly affects his comfort! If your dog’s coat is full of dust, grime, and dead fur, it will become itchy and unpleasant. Plus, it won’t really protect him from the weather.

If your four-legged buddy is large—or even medium-sized—he may have a hard time getting into and out of the bathtub. You do not want your beloved pet to slip and fall! It may be a good idea to see a groomer. Fido can typically enter and exit their stations with ease.

Pay Attention To Doggy Dental Care

Dental problems are frequent in senior dogs. These can have a significant impact on your pet’s quality of life. Consult your veterinarian for tips on keeping those choppers clean. You should also look for signs of trouble that include bleeding gums, bad breath, drooling, tartar buildup, and changes in eating habits.

Ask Your Allen, TX Veterinarian About Supplements

Supplements are not a cure-all, but they can improve Fido’s health as he ages. This is not one-size-fits-all advice; what is best for your dog depends on his age and condition. For example, glucosamine and fish oil may benefit joint health. A dog with vision problems may benefit from Vitamin A. Pay close attention to serving sizes. If you’re starting something new, look out for signs of a negative reaction. Also, be sure to consult your vet before starting anything.

Spend Time With Fido

Finally, make sure that your furry buddy feels loved and safe. Spend time with Fido. Talk to him, pet him, and just make sure that he feels loved. You may realize that the time we spend with our canine companions passes rapidly. Enjoy this wonderful time in Fido’s life!

Conclusion: As your dog ages, he will benefit from slight changes to his nutrition and exercise routine. Consult your veterinarian to get detailed advice on how to care for your elderly dog.

Make An Appointment At Our Plano, TX Pet Clinic

Have any queries regarding your senior dog’s health or care? Contact your local Plano, TX pet hospital today!

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