
Texas Pests That Are Dangerous To Pets

Texas is home to a broad and rich spectrum of wildlife, which is part of what makes our beautiful state so unique. Unfortunately, though, not all of our local critters are safe for pets to interact with. A Frisco, TX vet lists some of the more dangerous ones below.


Texas is home to several poisonous snakes, including coral snakes, copperheads, cottonmouths (water moccasins), and ten kinds of rattlesnakes. Dogs are particularly at risk, in large part because of their affinity for exploring and sniffing around things like brush piles, which are often very appealing snake dens. Keep in mind that it isn’t only the poisonous snakes you need to worry about. Even bites from non-venomous snakes can hurt and traumatize your furry pal. With dogs, keep a close eye on the surroundings when walking Fido. Training is also important.


Rodents may be small, but they can present some pretty big threats. Not only can they contaminate your pet’s food, they can also pass along dangerous parasites, such as fleas. They can also carry dangerous diseases, such as Colorado tick fever, which comes from ticks that have previously bitten rats; Leptospirosis, a bacterial disease; and Cutaneous Leishmaniasis. These can affect both people and pets. (Tip: proper food and trash storage will go a long way towards keeping unwanted critters off your property.)

Kissing Bug

Don’t let the cute name fool you. Kissing bugs are behind the recent spread of the dangerous Chagas disease, which can afflict both people and pets’ cardiovascular systems. Unfortunately for us, Texas is the US hotspot for kissing bugs. Ask your vet for more information.


Fleas can not only make Fluffy and Fido miserably itchy, they can also transmit other parasites, such as tapeworms, and can cause allergic reactions. Severe flea infestations can even cause anemia, especially in young or weak animals. Keep up with your furry pal’s parasite control!


Fleas are definitely no fun, but ticks are just as dangerous, if not more so. Ticks can spread several dangerous diseases, including Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, and Encephalitis. They can also hide beneath pets’ fur, making them hard to spot. We recommend checking pets daily. This is especially important after you’ve spent time in fields or wooded areas.

Is your pet due for parasite control or vaccinations? Contact us, your Frisco, TX animal clinic, today!

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