
Walking Your Cat: A Guide

Do you have a brave, fearless kitty? Or does your feline companion tend to be more shy and reserved? Our feline pals are all one-of-a-kind. Although there are many kitties who prefer a sedentary lifestyle of being pampered (or in some cases, completely spoiled) pets, there are also plenty of feline explorers out there. As you may have noticed, we usually strongly advocate for keeping cats indoors. Keeping Fluffy indoors provides her with a safe environment, shielding her from potential hazards like traffic, harsh weather conditions, wild animals, and other animals that may pose a threat. However, there is another option: walking your pet! This is a great way to provide her with the best of both worlds. This post provides helpful advice from a local Plano, TX veterinarian on the proper way to walk your furry friend, Fluffy.

What Are the Advantages of Walking My Cat?

Walking is just as beneficial for Fluffy as it is for humans. Your cat will benefit from getting some exercise, which is good for her both physically and mentally. When our feline companions are young, they are full of energy and constantly on the move. However, as they age, their activity levels decrease significantly. (Actually, that’s an understatement, but we’ll tackle that another time.)

Going for regular walks will provide your furry companion with both exercise and mental stimulation, which is crucial for her overall well-being. Just like humans, pets require enrichment in order to flourish.

Exercise, fresh air, and sunlight are also great for you.

Is It A Good Idea To Take Your Cat For A Walk?

Although there are many advantages to walking Fluffy, it’s worth noting that not all cats are fond of going on walks. For pets that are more timid, taking them on a walk can be quite overwhelming. It’s possible that your cat really enjoys those walks and may attempt to make a quick getaway whenever someone opens the door.

In the end, the decision will rest with the kitty. It’s interesting to note that certain felines actually find pleasure in going for walks. It may cause fear in others. Take it easy!

How Can I Teach My Feline Pal To Walk On A Leash?

Attaching a leash to your feline companion and expecting her to run along with you is not the best way to go here. In fact, that would probably just frighten your furry pal.

You need to help Fluffy get used to wearing a harness. When shopping, it’s important to avoid purchasing a harness that fastens the leash at the neck. Something with a back clip provides an added level of safety.

Begin by letting Fluffy wear the harness indoors. It would be beneficial for her to form a positive association with the harness, such as associating it with treats or toys she loves. Your feline friend might initially plop down and stubbornly resist any attempts to get her to budge. Just Give her some time to adjust. Fluffy might seem a bit hesitant initially, but she should adapt pretty quickly.

Next, start attaching the leash. Let her pull it along as she pleases. She may try to attack it or try to escape from it. It’s important to closely monitor her and ensure she stays out of trouble.  You don’t want your kitty getting tangled up in the kitchen chair when you aren’t there to rescue her!

Once your furry friend is comfortable with the leash, you can start taking her outside for some fresh air.

Fluffy’s First Walk

Always prioritize the well-being of your feline friend! Make sure she has received all necessary immunizations and parasite control medications before taking her for a walk. Fluffy should also be microchipped and wearing up-to-date identification tags. Adding a GPS or air tag to her harness is a wise precaution.

Keep that initial walk short. Just take your cat outside to the yard or sidewalk and allow her some time to adjust. Although she may initially feel scared, it’s important to respect her feelings if she starts crying or tries to go back inside. Don’t force the issue.

How Old Should Fluffy Be Before I Can Walk Her?

It is best if this happens during Fluffy’s socialization window, which is between 3 weeks and 3 months old. During this time, she forms her own perspectives on the world. Introducing her to different people and experiences during this time can help her grow into a friendly and open-minded feline. However, you shouldn’t walk your pet until she’s completed her initial series of vaccines and gotten started on parasite control. Also, keep in mind that kittens are incredibly delicate and require extra caution. It’s best to get your vet’s approval before taking little Fluffy anywhere.

Is It Safe For Kitties To Go For Walks?

Most of our feline pals can go for walks, but there are a few furballs that should just stay in. Brachycephalic pets, like Persians, are prone to shortness of breath and struggle in high temperatures. Senior cats and brachys may find it challenging to cope with extreme temperatures. Any kitty with health conditions may also be best staying in. Consult with your Plano, TX veterinarian for guidance.

What Are The Drawbacks of Walking a Cat?

There are a few drawbacks to take into account. Once you’ve successfully trained Fluffy to wear a harness and go for walks, there’s no turning back. If your cat enjoys going for walks, she will probably want to go on a daily basis. Don’t be surprised if Fluffy demands those ventures. Your furball might even start trying to make a break for it whenever the door opens!

There are clear safety concerns associated with venturing outdoors. When you and Fluffy go out, it’s important to be extra cautious and avoid any potential dangers.

Here are some tips:

  • Stay vigilant for cars and loose dogs, as well as any items on the sidewalk, hazardous plants, or other potential hazards.
  • Use a short leash, not a retractable one; you don’t want your cat to wander more than a few steps away from you.
  • Keep in mind that there are differences between walking a cat and walking a dog. Feel free to let your pet explore, as long as she stays within safe boundaries.
  • Exercise caution when approaching trees. If Fluffy gets scared, she may try to climb a tree. You may have a very hard time getting her down again! 

We cannot emphasize enough the risks associated with allowing cats to roam freely. Always ensure that your cat is properly secured with a leash and harness before allowing her to go outside.

What If Fluffy Doesn’t Enjoy Walking?

While some cats enjoy venturing out and accompanying their humans on adventures, others prefer to remain cozy and secure in their beds. It’s best not to push the matter. If your kitty is content to remain indoors, that’s purrfectly acceptable.

How Else Can I Keep My Cat Entertained?

Fluffy should have more than just walks for entertainment. Having toys and playtime is essential for your cat’s overall happiness and health. Your feline buddy will enjoy having things to explore and climb around the house. While cat trees are certainly a great option, there are also other ways to entertain your beloved pet, such as providing them with empty boxes and newspaper tunnels. Window seats are a favorite among our feline companions.

Schedule An Appointment At Our Plano, TX Pet Clinic.

Do you have any questions about walking your cat? Feel free to reach out to us, your Plano, TX  pet hospital, anytime. We are more than happy to assist!

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