For many pet parents, having the option to choose alternative therapy for their animal family members is a huge benefit. These techniques combine ancient methodology with modern technology for natural healing and enhanced wellness. At Coit Hedgcoxe Animal Hospital, we’re pleased to offer a number of these integrative treatment options to help you better care for your four-legged friend.
The ancient practice of acupuncture operates under the theory that when the body’s natural energy source becomes disrupted, sickness and pain can occur. To address these ailments without the need for medication, acupuncture needles are inserted into specific points along the body. Once inserted, the needles cause a cellular response in the targeted area. This restores the body’s energy, thereby promoting healing and reducing pain. Veterinary acupuncture can be used to treat anything from arthritis to respiratory problems and just about everything in between. It can also be used to boost the immune system and create better balance.
Chiropractic care in pets is very similar to what’s practiced on human patients. A chiropractic adjustment can be used to help correct the musculoskeletal system when it has become misaligned. It is most commonly applied to the spine. Chiropractic care is important because when even one vertebrae is out of place, it can cause problems in the surrounding muscles and ligaments. Veterinary chiropractic care can relieve pain, improve movement and enhance overall wellbeing.
Laser therapy is an innovative technique that harnesses the power of light to naturally reduce pain and speed healing. We can use veterinary laser therapy to treat a wide range of conditions, from chronic pain to dental disease. Best of all, laser therapy is fast, completely painless and proven to be extremely effective. It also does not require the use of medication or surgery, which makes it ideal for sick or older pets.
These services are available as stand-alone treatment options or can be used in conjunction with other methods for optimum results.
If your pet suffers from a chronic medical condition, recently became injured or underwent surgery, or is experiencing back problems, give us a call. We can evaluate your four-legged friend’s unique situation and advise whether one of our alternative medicine options would be a good fit.