
Tips For Choosing Safe Toys

The holiday season is in full swing, and it’s safe to say that many of our patients will be enjoying extra toys and snacks over the next few weeks. We never get tired of seeing adorable photos of  pets playing with new things! December is Safe Toys And Gifts Month, and it is definitely the right time for it. Read on as a Plano, TX vet offers some advice on choosing your furry friend’s playthings! 

Choose The Right Size

Dog toys are not one-size-fits-all. Things made for puppies or small breeds can be serious choking risks for larger dogs. A toy breed could also injure themselves trying to play with something made for a bigger pup. 

Be Cautious Of Bright Colors

Many of those vibrantly colored toys were made with dyes, which can be toxic. This isn’t to say that every brightly-colored toy is unsafe, but it is something to keep in mind.  

Avoid Choking Hazards

Many toys are unsafe because they are potential choking hazards. This is something to be aware of with stuffed animals. Most of the ones made for pets are designed with safety in mind, but there are still some that aren’t that great. Only offer your furry friend things that were made specifically for dogs or cats. Remove smaller parts, such as plastic ‘eyes’ or noses, and sew up the holes. 

Look At Manufacturing Location

You may get cheaper products from overseas, but be careful. Not all countries have strict guidelines for pet products. Unfortunately, studies have found that many dog toys contain dangerous chemicals. Opt for products made in North America.

Follow Recalls

It’s never a bad idea to keep an eye out for product recalls. You can check on these at the AVMA website here or the FDA site here. You can also set up email alerts for yourself.

Be Careful With Rawhide

Rawhide may be popular with our canine pals, but be cautious. It can break into large chunks, which are not only a huge choking hazard but can cause internal injuries if swallowed. Your vet may recommend alternatives, especially if your canine buddy is a heavy chewer.

Keep Up With Petproofing

At this time of year, you may also need to make sure that Fido doesn’t try to play with kids’ toys. Anything small or sharp is unsafe, as are items that can break into small pieces. 

Do you have questions about your pet’s health or care? Contact us, your local Plano, TX animal clinic, today!

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